MCPE/Bedrock New Potions Addon

This addon is a restart of one of my oldest addons, before I had released a version 2 but also almost 1 years ago, I do not want to let it die so I remove this restart with some things from that version 2 and I will update it from time to time adding new potions with new effects in this case added 10 potions, 5 are new with effects ui and the other 5 are vanilla effect potions.
Experimental Game
For a better gaming experience and correct functionality of the addon it is required that you activate the following experimental options

If you put the following command you can get the new potions, /give @s new:

The new potions will also be found in the creative section, in the potions group, here is an image so that you have a better idea of where to find them.

-Potion Magnetims
This is a new effect created by me, it will grant you the ability to attract all nearby items in a radius of 8 blocks, these items will follow you until they enter your inventory

-Potion Enchanted Step
This is a New Effect created by me, it allows you to go through water and lava by walking or running as it turns water into ice and lava into netherrack.

-Potion Teleport
This is a New Effect created by me, this effect allows you to teleport wherever you look as long as you crouch.

-Potion Anti Magic
This is a new effect created by me, it gives you the ability to not be affected by negative effects, be it weakness, vaneno, wither, fatigue, etc.

-Potion Light
This is a new effect created by me, it allows you to illuminate everything around you, it would be best to use it in caves or at night.

-Potion Village Hero
This potion will help you get offers from the villagers and so you don't get ripped off

-Potion Bad Omen
This potion will give you a bad omen, the smartest thing to do would be to use it while you are near a village

-Potion Conduit Power
This potion will grant you the effect of power of the conduit that allows you to breathe underwater and see things much better underwater

-Potion Fatal Poison
This is a potion is very dangerous since it will kill you if you consume it, the most intelligent thing would be to use it as a sentence or some trolling.

-Potion Saturation
This potion when ingested will grant you the saturation effect for 2 min, this effect will grant you immunity to hunger, that is, you will not be able to be hungry for 2 min

If you want to make a review you must put the abbreviated links that I put on this page or directly this link
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- Restart the addon completely
- Added effects ui
- Fully improved potions
- More quality to the addon
Download guide
Go to the links, then down and click on "Free Access with Ads", then click on "Discover interesting articles from the web" and click on X, wait as long as it says and press X again, then press to "Continue" and voila, this is the same for all the links in this plugin