MCPE/Bedrock Not Enough Food Add-On

This a Food Add-On, it in short terms adds new foods, along with their crafting recipes, into the game. You can make things like chocolate bars, burgers and more! Just know, if there are any bugs please report to the discord server, that will be all ?
Watch the trailer if you want some insight on what some textures may be, and what you can build surrounding the textures and do with them. Mossiprose made he music, I made all the textures. Special thanks to BladedAxe77 for helping with some bugs.
The Enchanted Diamond Apple and Honey Bread are so far the only things with abilities, for now... good luck finding the new structure that will procedurally generate around your world ?

For foods with effects this is it, more foods will have effects in later versions, and some foods already existing will have effects too!
Cutter: 6 attack damage, and 350 durability
Wooden Knife: 4 Attack damage, and 60 durability
Wooden Cleaver: 5 attack damage, and 90 durability

Keep scrolling for download links
Fixed discord server invite link. It should be working now!
Installation Help:
Pc: Download the "Not Enough Food Add-On "Res" and "Beh"
Xbox: Download the "Bes/" folder, OR extract the Not Enough Food Addon Beh and Res link in "Files Explorer"
Apple/Android: Download the "Not Enough Food Add-On Res and Beh" Link, OR you can download the "Bes/" folder into your files app