MCPE/Bedrock Ore Crops (Nether Resource Update!)

Hello my fellow Minecrafters. We all know that if your playing with a lot of addons you just don't have time to go gathering recourses all the time, which is why this addon adds 16 new crops each growing into its own material. 9 of them grow the following ores; Gold, Iron, Coal, Copper, Diamond, Emerald, Netherite, Lapis, Redstone. The other 7 grow the following nether materials; Blaze Rods, Quartz, Blaze Powder(2 versions), Netherstars, Magma Cream, Ghast Tears.
Ore Crops
All crafting recipes are fairly expensive but after obtaining at least one seed they become easier to craft
Crafting Recipes:
Coal Seeds

Redstone Seeds

Copper Seeds

Iron Seeds

Lapis Seeds

Gold Seeds

Diamond Seeds

Emerald Seeds

(Drops Netherite Scraps when fully grown)

Each crop has 5 stages while growing and cannot be bone-mealed to shorten growth time.

Nether Crops
Blaze Rods

Blaze Powder


Nether Star

Magma Cream

Ghast Tear

Overworld Blaze Powder
This is a version of the blaze powder crop that can be grown on farmland rather than Soul Sand

Please Delete Past versions before downloading!
And that's the addon, thanks for checking it out. If you do end up downloading it let me know how I could improve it and what crops you'd like to see in the future.
I have updated verification files and links to new downloads.
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Click "Discover interesting articles", wait 15 seconds, and then click the X in the corner
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Then download in the blue box
creator: UsingGold