MCPE/Bedrock Peaceful Spawn XL

This is a brand new seed guys! If you have seen my other "Peaceful Survival Spawn" map then this is very similar guys! If you're new, let me explain. I love Minecraft, I love the animals, the adventuring and everything about it buuuut, I sometimes get tired of constant hostile mobs around my base when I'm just trying to have fun and be creative. If you share this feeling, this is the perfect map for you! I have transformed a Mooshroom Biome into a custom grassy mushroom Biome where no hostile mobs can ever spawn.
This map features a GIANT Mooshroom Island where all the mycelium has been converted to grass. This island is nearly twice as big as the island in my previous map! Along with the mycelium being replaced, I have also changed the brown mushrooms into Shroomlight.
It's so pretty at night!
On one edge of the island I have built you a beautiful oversized house to live in and fill with whatever you want! It is a 3 story modern style build that was inspired by a build created by Rizzial on YouTube, I used one of his designs and enlarged it roughly 4 times the original size and added some detail changes I liked.
"So much room for activities!"
Other than what I have already mentioned, this is a normal survival world where achievements have been enabled. So go out, explore, create and achieve!
You may share this map with anyone for any non-profit purposes all that I ask is that if you share this map that I am given credit as the creator.
Follow me on Twitter for updates on maps and future project ideas @ Mr_Green_Games