MCPE/Bedrock Permutador Metalurgico - Metallurgical Exchanger

It is a map based on the "Permutador Metalurgico" built by ElRichMC but except for the redstone mechanism that makes the iron rise and fall. This structure does not exchange minerals as such, serves as a wharehouse of any type of item, usually used in iron and can store 51 million items(In stacks)
The structure measures 190 blocks in height, and 12 by 12 chunks.

His creator (ElRichMC) called him "Permutador Metalurgico". The first thing you think probably is that it is a very large construction and imposes. At all time you think that it is not so big and you will find them more big constructions that some builders did, but you have to consider several things:
- It was enhanced in survival in version 1.7.2 (Java Edition).
- It is made of emeralds and obsidian, I think there are few more expensive materials than those.
- It has use. Surely you notice that it says "Fe" in each barrel, well, it is a giant iron warehouse. 51 millions to be accurate.
Created on August 1, 2019 and there are no tutorials or maps for bedrock yet
Here is the video where it builds on survival after 7 years on the 1.17.2 in Java Edition
Thank you for read. Remember that the map does not include DSD's mechanism.
Altered or changed layout due errors that prevented the map from being uploaded
Note that this is the first time anyone has mapped this building in bedrock, and I'm still figuring out how the mechanism works, therefore IT DOES NOT INCLUDE THE REDSTONE MECHANISM.
That's all, I would be grateful if you would follow me on twitter @Gralry1, there I almost always warn of my upcoming events, and in this case maps, bye and good luck trying to build the metallurgical exchanger in survival
Thank you so much for read <3