MCPE/Bedrock PGB's Granny's Corner BE

Granny's Corner is a furniture Add-On for Minecraft Bedrock. This pack adds several items to please you inner crafter: sewing machines, fabric rolls, doilies, knitted sweaters, a large variety of embroidery hoops and handmade blankets, and much more!

Pinkgummibaerchen's Granny's Corner for Java is officially been Ported to
Minecraft Bedrock!

※ PGB's Granny's Corner BE is the official ported version of Pinkgummibaerchen's Granny's Corner CIT for Java.
※ Granny's Corner is a CIM (Custom Item Model) addon
(that uses the "Data-Driven Block Method'')

※ These blocks cannot be interacted with and are for aesthetic use only.
You cannot obtain this blocks in survival without using commands.

Granny's Corner BE textures has been recolored and recreated
to match the popular resource pack Mizuno Craft.
also uses Kao's Vanilla Archive texture.

※ There is a Catalog site for all of the list of items.
- PGB's Granny's Corner BE catalogue ↷
- To obtain the blocks/items use a Command called
"/function" in the chat bar.
※ PGB's Granny's Corner BE only works on Windows 10, Android, & Apple Devices
Minecraft Bedrock/Pocket Edition 1.16.200+ and above. It doesn't work on consoles!
※ The following Experimental Options also needs to be turned on
in order for the pack to work. ↷
- Holiday Creator Features
- Additional Modding Capabilities
- Cheats

Pinkgummibaerchen originally created the Models, who have given me permission to port the pack into Bedrock!
Do not download PGB CIT from any other website, as we cannot guarantee the safety of the link!

※ Creator : Pinkgummibaerchen
※ Socials : ↷
- Twitter: @pinkgummibaerc1
- Tumblr: @pinkgummibaerchen
※ PGB's Granny's Corner Java CIT : ↷
※ Bedrock Porter : ikuyuk
※ Socials : ↷
- Twitter: @ikuyuk_
- Discord server:
※ Creator's permit ↷

9/1/21 - 11/17/21
※ Changed the sites description ↷
- added the creator's permit.
※ Changed the sites description ↷
-the creator's permit.