MCPE/Bedrock Phasmophobia

This is a project I have been working on for a while now. It was inspired by DeathlyTroll's version, but this one uses no texture packs or behavior packs. The texture packs you see in the screenshots are the ones I have in my Global Resources.

The lobby is where you spawn in and also select the map you want to play on. You can buy items and toggle versus mode as well.
(UPDATE - There is some extra details which can be parkour)

It uses item frames to replicate tapping on a white board (like the original game).

This is the shop. You can buy many things from it as long as you have enough money. To get money, you can do one of 3 things:
- Find out the 3 ghost traits (explained later)
- Make the ghost blow out a candle
- Stop a ghost hunt with a crucifix
The Maps
These are in order from smallest to largest.

Smol House ^^^

Log Cabin ^^^

Street House ^^^

High School ^^^

Prison ^^^
The Prison is the only one that does not use electricity. Instead it uses torches that the ghost can blow out.
The Ghost Traits
The ghost can have 3 of 6 traits:
- EMF Level 5 (If the ghost gets close enough to an EMF Reader, the EMF Reader will say "EMF LEVEL 5 REACHED". If the ghost does not have the EMF Level 5 trait, it will say level 4 instead.)
- Spirit Box (If the ghost gets close enough to a Spirit Box, the Spirit Box will make noises.)
- Ghost Book (If the ghost gets close enough to a Ghost Book, the Ghost Book will light up aka give everyone around it night vision.)
- Ghost Orb (If the ghost gets close enough to a Video Camera, you can see a Ghost Orb.)
- Freezing Temperatures (If the ghost gets close enough to a hunter, the hunter will be able to see their breath.)
- Fingerprints (If the ghost gets close enough to a UV Light, you can see Fingerprints.)
The ghost can also HUNT, making all hunters' lights turn off (AKA blindness)

The image above is what the ghost looks like when it is visible.
Versus Mode
In Versus Mode, a player is chosen to be the ghost, and can choose the 3 traits as they please.

This is the Versus Lobby. The Redstone Block will take you back to the main lobby. The Skeleton Skull will make whoever clicked it into the ghost. The Wither Skeleton Skull will turn a random player into the ghost. Please note that this will not work in singleplayer. If versus mode gets turned on while only one person is in the world, it will immediately say that the ghost wins.
Players also have Sanity (the ghost's sanity will not go down if they are a player). If your sanity reaches 0, your vision will become shaky.
- I added a hidden teaser to a new Minecraft horror map I recently started working on! I won't say anything about it yet, but the way to get to the teaser is simple: There are signs hidden throughout the maps that contain certain letters that will spell out a word. You must find the hidden code room to insert this code, and then you can enjoy the teaser! Also, this comes with a little race/event! Whoever is the first to find this teaser and comment on this post saying the last sentence in the teaser will have their name featured somewhere in the map!
- Removed the scoreboard on the pause screen so you can just see the player list (also there were timers for when the ghost was about to hunt)
- Disabled cheats so you don't just go into creative and break out of the map to see the new teaser
It's a .mcworld this time around, so just download the file, and then open it using Minecraft. The world will then show up somewhere in your world list. It has been brought to my attention that this might lag a lot in multiplayer, depending on the systems used, so if you want to play with friends, please note there might be lag.
creator: TheEmeraldWeegee