MCPE/Bedrock Pixel Perfection Legacy 1.18

Enhance your Minecraft experience with Pixel Perfection Legacy's themed textures! The pack has been ported onto Bedrock (with permission) so you could experience the outstanding quality of the original. It also supports 1.18. Best of all, it's free!
The texture pack has custom audio (add-on), misc, environment, variations, block animations, etc. The screenshots provided will give you an idea of how the textures may look like.
1.17 Lush Cave Biome

1.17 Pointed Dripstone Biome

Piglin's Treasure

Crimson Forest

The Stronghold

The Ender Dragon

A shipwreck with coral and seagrass surrounding it.

Nova_Wostra, permitting me to port their work onto Bedrock
Proof of permission given:

Zou Chenyunfei, for using their pack as a reference to where some of the UI goes. _________________________________________________________________
Used Bun Shader for the screenshots.
I used Fused Bolt's method of adding 3D flowers to Lily Pads.
Other Info
Leave feedback, and any bug you find to ensure maximum quality of this texture pack.
This pack does not contain custom skies and Optifine exclusive features.
-Made the observer's front change when lit.
-Added variation to dark oak logs. (another one)
-Made tripwire visible (bug, sorry for yall who used the pack in a shady mansion)
-Updated pack icon.
-Added flowers to lily pads. (Thanks Fused Bolt!)
-Added 3 new splashes.
-The grass tops now have a chance to variate with little colored speckles on them.
-Added "otherside" music disc texture.
-Added the update that Java received.
//Updated crops textures. (except wheat)
//Updated Dripstone textures
//Updated Iron Golem.
//Updated polished deepslate
//Updated Cobbled deepslate
//Updated Deepslate Bricks
//Updated Cracked Deepslate Bricks
//Updated Axolotls
//Updated Steve Texture
//Updated Wither Invulnerable texture
//Changed Apple and Potato textures
//Updated Helmet textures
-Updated the glow berry item.
- Download the pack via Mediafire.
- Open the pack once it has finished downloading.
- Let Minecraft import the pack.
- Enjoy!
If you encounter any issues, you may need to re-open the pack. If that doesn't work, please leave a comment describing your problem.
creator: 458