MCPE/Bedrock Placeable Food Add-on

This add-on adds a new block, the plate. Food items can then be placed on it to decorate your tables! Currently, it’s only for decoration purposes as you won’t be able to eat any of the food off the plates. It’s definitely a very interesting concept as it adds more purposes for food items than just eating them.

Place down a plate and then use a food item to place it down on the plate. This is mainly meant to be used as decoration since you can’t eat the food off the plate. iOS / Android: Tap on a plate with any type of food item and press the interact button to place it down on the plate. Windows 10: Right-click on the plate with a food item to place it down on the plate.
- Completely revamped the add-on
- The add-on now works in the latest version of Minecraft
- New block: Plate
- Most food items can be placed on the plate