MCPE/Bedrock Poison Cut Enchant (V1.0)

Have you always dreamed of swinging your sword and poisoning your opponent while doing it? Well this plugin is the right one. put the poison on your sword and enjoy what you can do
-How do I get enchantment?
simple. can be obtained from a librarian villager. enchantment doesn't cost much so you just have to find the right villager

How to put the enchant on the weapon?
you can do it from the inventory or the crafting table, it is recommended not to use an enchanted weapon

After enchanting the weapon with the poison effect you can enchant the weapon if you think it is necessary

-duration of poison in each weapon:
-wooden sword = 8 seconds
-stone sword = 7 seconds
-golden sword = 9 seconds
-iron sword = 6 seconds
-diamond sword = 5 seconds
-netherite sword = 5 seconds

at the moment the enchant works on vanilla swords
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