MCPE/Bedrock Pokecraft - Battle System Test

This addon is mainly focused on the turn-based combat system, with difference in life, attack, type and moves between each pokemon The addon tries to make an experience as faithful as possible to the original game but without using scripts, to be compatible with Win10/11 and mobile

A battle against a pokemon can be started in two ways.
Calling to battle: With no items in hand you can right click or hold the screen to start a battle against the pokemon
Trying to capture: You have a percentage chance (which changes from pokemon to pokemon) to capture it if you fail it starts a battle automatically

The addon is multiplayer compatible
You can use pokedex with the right or second button on the screen to do a battle between players(The other player needs to be as close to you as possible for the battle to work)
Some bugs can occur when playing in multiplayer
Battles = Added
Pokemon Types = Added
Evolutions = Not Added
HM = Not Added
Battle Items = Not Added
Multiplayer Battle = Added
Number of added pokemons = 2/898
Gyms = Not added
Bulbasaur 001

Charmander 004
