MCPE/Bedrock Prison Zombie Add-on

I'm not really a fan of Minecraft's Story Mode, but that game did introduce some new mobs that caught my attention and one of those mobs is the prison zombie.

There is not much to say about this add-on, it is based, to some extent, on its story mode counterpart, they are also rarer to find than the normal zombie, in all biomes even underground, they appears only in herds of 4 or more.

They are a bit stronger and tougher than regular zombies, they don't burn in the sun and they loot a bit better. By using this mod you will not feel that the essence of the game changes, only that a small new challenge is added.

I hope you like this new add-on although it is not very complex, it adds a little more gameplay and experience to Minecraft.
Soon i will publish more mobs of the story mode.
- The code has been debugged.
- Author's name has been updated to my new nickname.
- Zombies will now spawn less often.
- Fixed a bug that caused zombies to spawn on the surface
Once you have downloaded the behavior and resource mcpack files, open each one with Minecraft and it will do the rest.
If you download Full link, just open the mcaddon file with Minecraft and it will install itself.
The ZIP link is for manual installation by copying and pasting folders.
Remember not to click or touch any of the ads.
Una vez que hayas descargado los mcpack de comportamientos y recursos ábrelos uno por uno con Minecraft y éste hará el resto.
Si descargas el enlace Full sólo abre el archivo mcaddon con Minecraft y se instalará automáticamente.
El enlace ZIP es para instalación manual mediante copiado y pegado de folders.
Recuerda no dar clic ni tocar ninguno de los anuncios.
Do not republish this addon as your own or modify it’s contents without my consent. If you are going to review or publish this add-on elsewhere, don't make your own links, use this link and always give credit to me, you can find my social media and channels on my profile.