MCPE/Bedrock Pure Buffet (Single Biome Worlds for Bedrock)

Ever wanted to have single biome worlds on Bedrock? I introduce Pure Buffet, a map pack that only generates only one biome, not even a trace of other biomes. This map pack contains all biomes for you to try and use for your survival worlds or anything!
- Contains all 83 biomes with nether and end biomes!
- Survival-friendly
- No addons required
- Free to use
Here are some screenshots of some of the biomes!

Here are the list of every biome that are included in the pack:
- Badlands
- Badlands Plateau
- Bamboo Jungle
- Bamboo Jungle Hills
- Basalt Deltas
- Beach
- Birch Forest
- Birch Forest Hills
- Cold Ocean
- Crimson Forest
- Dark Forest
- Dark Forest Hills
- Deep Cold Ocean
- Deep Frozen Ocean
- Deep Lukewarm Ocean
- Deep Ocean
- Deep Warm Ocean
- Desert
- Desert Hills
- Desert Lakes
- Dripstone Caves (NEW!)
- Eroded Badlands
- Flower Forest
- Forest
- Frozen Ocean
- Frozen Peaks (NEW!)
- Frozen River
- Giant Spruce Taiga Hills
- Giant Tree Taiga Hills
- Gravelly Mountains+
- Grove (NEW!)
- Ice Spikes
- Jagged Peaks (NEW!)
- Jungle
- Jungle Hills
- Legacy Frozen Ocean
- Lukewarm Ocean
- Lush Caves (NEW!)
- Meadow (NEW!)
- Modified Badlands Plateau
- Modified Jungle
- Modified Jungle Edge
- Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau
- Mountain Edge
- Mushroom Fields
- Mushroom Field Shore
- Nether Wastes
- Ocean
- Old Growth Birch Forest
- Old Growth Pine Taiga
- Old Growth Spruce Taiga
- Plains
- River
- Savanna
- Savanna Plateau
- Shattered Savanna Plateau
- Snowy Beach
- Snowy Mountains
- Snowy Plains
- Snowy Slopes (NEW!)
- Snowy Taiga
- Snowy Taiga Hills
- Snowy Taiga Mountains
- Soul Sand Valley
- Sparse Jungle
- Stony Peaks (NEW!)
- Stony Shore
- Sunflower Plains
- Swamp
- Swamp Hills
- Taiga
- Taiga Hills
- Taiga Mountain
- Tall Birch Hills
- The End
- Warm Ocean
- Warped Forest
- Windswept Forest
- Windswept Gravelly Hills
- Windswept Hills
- Windswept Savanna
- Wooded Badlands
- Wooded Hills
In two words, all biomes!
Special Thanks:
- ihategravel: Screenshots
Enjoy the map pack! In the downloads, you can download the pack only one biome or contains all biomes in the pack in a .zip file.
This map pack is exclusively
New biomes:
- Dripstone Peaks
- Frozen Peaks
- Grove
- Jagged Peaks
- Lush Caves
- Meadow
- Snowy Slopes
- Stony Peaks
- Spawn is now set on the center of the world (x0, z0)
- Changed some biome names to reflect the new biome names in 1.18: Tall Birch Forest to Old Growth Birch Forest, Giant Tree Taiga to Old Growth Pine Taiga, Giant Spruce Taiga to Old Growth Spruce Taiga, Snowy Tundra to Snowy Plains, Jungle Edge to Sparse Jungle, Stone Shore to Stony Shore, Mountains to Windswept Hills, Wooded Mountains to Windswept Forest, Gravelly Mountains to Windswept Gravelly Hills, Shattered Savanna to Windswept Savanna, Wooded Badlands Plateau to Wooded Badlands.