MCPE/Bedrock Pyrite Add-On v2.0.0 (Official)

MCPE/Bedrock Pyrite Add-On v2.0.0 (Official)

Pyrite is a new mineral created from tungsten and gold, with this you can create tools and pyrite armor, which is one of the strongest armor in the game!           


Tungsten Ore added!

With this mineral you can create the pyrite ingot! this mineral appears between layers 1 to 16!
its variant in deepslate is generated between layers 16 to -58

Pyrite Ingot!

the pyrite ingot is crafted as follows:

4 gold and 4 tungsten!

New feature! armor now does not burn and has knock resistance

Description of the armor:

Pyrite Helmet:

Protection: +3

Durability: 407

Pyrite Chestplate:

Protection: +8

Durability: 592

Pyrite Leggings:

Protection: +6

Durability: 555

Pyrite Boots:

Protection: +3

Durability: 481

Description of the tools:

Pyrite Sword:

Damage: +12

Durability: 1561

Pyrite Pickaxe:

Mining Efficiency: +12

Durability: 1561

Pyrite Axe:

Mining Efficiency: +12

Durability: 1561

Pyrite Shovel:

Mining Efficiency: +12

Durability: 1561

Pyrite Hoe:

Mining Efficiency: +12

Durability: 1561

to craft the following set and its tools you need tools and gold armor



If you need help with the installation or report a bug here is my discord!


tungsten ore was added on deepslate

tungsten block was added

a feature was added so that the items do not burn

the textures were changed


Activate the experimental options and upload the addon


This topic was modified 6 days ago by McBedrock