MCPE/Bedrock Realistic Island World | 1.13+

Explore this circular world with a diameter of 2000 blocks, which contains an island with mountains hundreds of blocks high and wide valleys covered with thick forests, as well as large beaches and dark ocean canyons.
This is a round island surrounded by the sea and endless void beyond. The diameter of the world is 2000 blocks which results in an 8-minute edge to edge walking time. On the island, there is a vast mountain range with snow-capped mountains that reach the building limit. A little further down, wide flat areas are covered by spruce and deciduous forests. Wide beaches mark the transition to the deep sea.
You could use this world to let your creativity run free in the creative mode or to experience an adventure in the survival mode since there are also caves with seemingly endless resources. However, there is no way to reach the end without cheating, for example. However, due to the size of the world, there should be enough of the most important raw materials.
Enjoy these images!

This world was created with the world painter program.
The trees in this map were created by blane-r.
You are free to use this island and make changes to it but please give credit if you would like to publish it.
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Step 5: download the .mcworld file and enjoy!