MCPE/Bedrock SCP Foundation Return!

Yea! This is the SCP Foundation! With large corridors and several SCP Cells! I built it together with my friend, LOTHUZss, and it took us weeks to build it, because we build it Block by Block! Without even using A World Editor, fully Built and equipped with Last generation equipment's! Come See!
This map was built by Brazilians, it's entirely in Portuguese, sorry.
And One thing I have to warn you before is that the map is not Exactly like the one in the game, SCP Containment Breach, but my friend and I build with different styles to get out of the pattern!
It's a pretty Big place, but we've adapted it to make it work on weaker devices even if it's not that necessary, as it's just blocks,But even so the world can crash, or cause some sudden treatments, i don't recommend using shaders, if you don't turn on the overhead lights! It gets very Macabre! Do it at your own risk ?

Being on a level far below the surface, it has a beautiful space to be able to make a Second Floor! A Third floor! A Fourth floor! But there have been many disasters in these two ...So, the only one that is stable along with the first floor is the Second Floor, don't be disappointed on the first floor there are many things and many places to access! And on the second floor there is a guinea pig area The D-Classe, they are cruel criminals who have done terrible things deserve to die for the greater good, but also the Doctors' Rooms that help people! You will like.

There are Several containment cells for scps, no one would be crazy to let these creatures roam around, but be careful when entering any one! It's Very Dangerous!,And since you're not properly a professional, and you don't even know how to contain them properly, get used to just going from the Dorms to the Cafeteria, Just kidding! but if you know what you're doing, have fun! And you can rest assured! some containment cells have their own mechanisms to Contain some scp, even if they are never fully locked.

How do you think this foundation would sustain without energy? She is Fully equipped like I said! And maybe, after you've finished exploring your insides, try going Outside! To see the Colossal redstone connection that surrounds her! By the time you make it remember turn On all the lights go you'll have a macabre environment it's Scary to play, cool but I don't recommend it! Yes... have Sound Effect Machines even if it's not that useful!You can also pick up some inspirational prank stuff but I already speak for myself there's not so much Incredible redstone stuff ? but that's up to you.

If you got interested after all this or just for the cover to play on this map, I am extremely happy with it! This is my first submission on this site, to know that someone liked my work, It makes me very inspired to be able to build more Worlds! If you want to show this world, around the world, or on some website, I ask you to give credit to me Gabriel_Faw and my friend! LOTHUZss, Honestly, he didn't help me build the entire foundation, but he did half of everything you'll see! This is the first construction I show the world, which is part of the tradition I have with my brothers, do the same! build something you like! With all the families who love Minecraft too!
- cover of the foundation trailer video tidy and adapted.
- construction scene erased.
- No kidding I don't even recommend using shaders on this map, at least Minecraft's advanced vanilla graphics.
- If you're in the Modification to use some Addition in the world, like Mod or Addon, I'll tell you that not all of them can work, but it leaves a better experience!
- The spawn you came from the world is unique, and the only way to get back is by putting in creative and breaking the roof there to access, so don't mess up!