MCPE/Bedrock Scythe AntiCheat

Scythe AntiCheat is the best Minecraft Bedrock anticheat addon to prevent all sorts of hacks! It can prevent powerful exploits such as CBE. It currently has 36 checks with more coming in each update.
Scythe AntiCheat is an anticheat addon for that doesn't annoy you with bugs and glitches. It has been under development for over a year with 36 checks.
Custom Commands:
To receive anti-cheat alerts use: /function notify
To ban a user use: /execute <playername> ~~~ function ban
To view a players anticheat logs use: /execute <playername> ~~~ function tools/stats
To view someones inventory use: !invsee <playername> (Requires GameTest Framework)
For a full list of commands, use: /function help
Additionally, there are custom features you can enable like anti gamemode and world border change to further enhance your realm security, these options can be used by /function settings/<setting name>
Hacks Detected By Scythe AntiCheat
AutoTotem ->
(A) => Checks if a player equips a totem while moving
(B) => Checks if a player equips a totem while using an item
(C) => Checks if a player equips a totem while swinging their hand
BadPackets ->
(1) => Checks if the players yaw/pitch is greater than normal
(2) => Chat message length check (Requires GameTest Framework)
Command Block Exploit ->
(A) => Clears animal buckets/beehives
(B) => Replaces beehives with air
(C) => Kill all command block minecarts
(D) => Kills all NPC's (to disable use /function settings/npc)
(E) => Instant despawn time for command block minecarts
(F) => Kills all falling block entities
Disabler ->
(A) => Detects Penguins Admin Giver by intercepting a function it runs.
Crasher ->
(A) => Checks if a player's position is invalid. (Requires GameTest Framework)
Ender Pearl Glitching ->
(A) => Checks if an ender pearl is inside a climbable block.
Illegal Items ->
(A) => Clears illegal items from everybody's inventories.
(B) => Clears dropped items.
(C) => Checks for items that are stacked over 64. (Requires GameTest Framework)
InvalidSprint ->
(A) => Checks for sprinting while having the blindness effect. (Requires GameTest Framework)
InventoryMods ->
(A) => Checks for moving while having a chest open.
(B) => Checks for sneaking while having a chest open.
(C) => Checks for using an item while having a chest open.
(D) => Checks for attacking players while having a chest open.
InteractUse ->
(A) => Checks if a player is using an item white hitting/interacting with items
Jesus ->
(A) => Checks if the player is above water/lava blocks.
(B) => Motion check. (Requires GameTest Framework)
Namespoof ->
(A) => Checks if a player's name is longer then 16 characters (Requires GameTest Framework)
(B) => Invalid characters check. (Requires GameTest Framework)
NoSlow ->
(A) => Checks for high movement speeds while using or eating an item. (Requires GameTest Framework)
Phase ->
(A) => Detect if someone moves inside a block
Spammer ->
(A) => Checks if someone sends a message while moving. (Requires GameTest Framework)
(B) => Checks if someone sends a message while swinging their hand. (Requires GameTest Framework)
(C) => Checks if someone sends a message while using an item. (Requires GameTest Framework)
(D) => Checks if someone sends a message while having a chest opened. (Requires GameTest Framework)
Reach ->
(A) => Check if someone hits a player outside a 4.5 block radius. (Requires GameTest Framework)
Xray ->
(A) => Alerts staff if a player finds a diamond or ancient debris.
Additional Features
- Ghasts, Ender Dragons, and withers can no longer be /summon'd
Questions? Join our Discord!

- Added Illegalitems/C
- Added Command Block Exploit/F
- Added Disabler/A
- Added InvalidSprint/A
- Added NoSlow/A
- Added inventory viewer. Use !invsee <playername> to run the command
- Fixed some false-positives
- Added more illegal items to illegal items list
- Improved xray check
- Much better looking ban message using gametest
- Additional support with 1.18
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
To install this anticheat to your realm or world you need to install the .mcpack and apply it to your world and then enable the GameTest Framework in your world settings, once you do that it should be fully up and running!
Certain optional features like deny gamemode 1 can be enabled by /function settings/<function name>