MCPE/Bedrock Simple Treehouse

This map is made in bedrock edition (1.17.11). Maker: @Akatsuke9192. This map is only for fun and if you have any addons you can also add them into the world. You can also replace blocks from it. Please turn on all of the necessary addons, for the map to work. 🔱Gamertag - Akatsuke9192
Addons needed:
Expansive Biomes
Textures Available:
Jicklus PE
Jehkoba's Fantasy (Recommend)
Faithful 32x (Compliance Pack)
Main image:

Under Dock:

Deers and sheeps (why not?)

Fountain/pathways (<3)

Azalea Tree:

Complete LvL 30 Enchanted Table and Blocks Needed:

Storage Room:

Bedroom and a grizzly pajamas:


Fishing Dock:

Another great photo:

creator: Akatsuke9192_uwu
To download;
Press the captcha box. Then select what the captcha says. Secondly, wait until the progress bar hits 100%. Finally click the "Get Downloads" and click the map name. (Automatic Downloads)