MCPE/Bedrock Spawn Resource Generators

You will never again be in need of all those amazing resources you crave so much! In this world you can spawn a resource generator that will allow you to have access to an unlimited supply of 48 incredibly useful blocks, including both Nether and Overworld blocks! Achievements are enabled.
This map features seed #991787511, you will spawn in a small plains biome in an open field. There will be a chest containing a few starter materials as well as 8 "Spawn Generator" spawn eggs(I included 8 in case you ever want to move to a new area). Be careful not to spawn theses next to anything important as the generator will replace any blocks it is spawned on including chests filled with items. The generator is 10x13 blocks so I recommend finding a fairly open and flat area to spawn it in for best results. The generator will spawn wherever you place it, but if it's in a weird and crowded area it may not be fun to use or as easily accessible.

To spawn the generator simply use a "Spawn Generator" spawn egg on the ground where you wish to spawn the generator(included in starter chest, NOT in creative inventory).

Once used, the generator will appear immediately. Generator spawns are permanent unless you go to creative to remove it, so be careful where you place this.

The generator is infinite so go nuts, it will never run out.
-Resources Include-
- Redstone Ore 13.Sand 25.Quartz Ore 37.Bone Block
- Iron Ore 14.Red Sand 26.Nether Gold Ore 38.Basalt
- Lapis Ore 15.Gravel 27.Ancient Debris 39.Blackstone
- Emerald Ore 16.Sealantern 28.Gilded Blackstone 40.Magma Block
- Diamond Ore 17.White Wool 29.Soul Sand 41.Oak Log
- Coal Ore 18.Honey Block 30.Obsidian 42.Birch Log
- Stone 19.Slime Block 31.Crying Obsidian 43.Spruce Log
- Blue Ice 20.Dried Kelp Block 32.Glowstone 44.Dark Oak Log
- Grass 21.Hay Block 33.Shroomlight 45.Acacia Log
- Podzol 22.Melon Block 34.Crimson Nylium 46.Jungle Log
- Mycelium 23.Pumpkin 35.Warped Nylium 47.Crimson Stem
- Clay 24.Jack O' Lantern 36.Soul Soil 48.Warped Stem
-One Player Sleep System-
The Sleep System in this word allows for a single player to sleep and skip the night with multiple players online. Simply stand on top of your bed and select the sleep option. Once it becomes night you will see the message "You May Now Sleep", and "Good Morning" when you wake up or the sun rises. NOTE: The system may not work if the player is not fully on top of their bed before selecting the sleep option.
Aside from all that, this is a normal Minecraft world, go out explore and create! Achievements are enabled.
I hope you enjoy this map and please leave lots of helpful feedback so I can make it better if possible!
You may share this map with anyone for any non-profit purposes, all that I ask is that if you share this map that I am given credit as the creator.
If you would like to help fund map creation you can donate to me at -
all donations are deeply appreciated!
Follow on Twitter @ Mr_Green_Games for updates about maps and future content ideas.
Click the download and enjoy!