MCPE/Bedrock StarEngine

StarEngine is an add-on that adds space, sci-fi, futuristic content. Perfect to create your world of astro, space, sci-fi.⭐☄And there's a Christmas hat too!🎅
This add-on is still in development.
Some items and blocks!

List of Items and Blocks
- ER-01 (se:er01)
Melee Weapon
8 Damage
Use redstone to repair

- PB-45h (se:pb45h)
Melee Weapon
13 Damage
Use quintuple mineral to repair
(Can't craft now)
- LightCrystal Blade Legacy Model (se:lightcrystalbladelegacy)
Melee Weapon
30 Damage
Add 3 hearts while holding.
(Can't craft now)
- Ads For Free Token (se:adsfreetoken)
Long press to use, you will get StarToken.

- Mineral(se:mineral)
materials for crafting and trade
- Quintuple Mineral (se:mineralx5)
materials for crafting

- StarToken (se:startoken)
currency in add-on
- Colour Bucket (secolourstarcorp, se:coloursss)
materials for crafting
(Supplies Trade)
- Clear Lag - Admin Tool (admin:clearlag)
A handy tool to help you remove dropped items and Mineral Entity.
- Christmas Hat (eventhat2, event:hat3)
1 Armor Point
Durability 150
Hat 1 (Supplies Trade)

Not Green Hat

- Energy Crystal (se:energycrystal)
materials for crafting
(Supplies Trade)
- PCB (sss:pcb)
materials for crafting

- Silicon (se:si)
materials for crafting
(Supplies Trade)
- SBH-26 (se:sbh26)
Ranged weapons fire lasers. Hits a mob deal 10 damage.
(Can't craft now)
- Modified Driller(se:moddriller)
Used to mine blocks in add-ons.
Use iron ingot to repair

- Upgraded Modified Driller (se:moddrillerup)
Used to mine blocks in add-ons.
Use silicon to repair

Energy Cannon
Ranged Weapon Block Has a slight explosion when hit by blocks, and deals 30 damage when hit by an entity.

Mineral Cluster
Can find in y 0-35 around the world
Compatible with Mineral Drills

Mineral Drill
It will drop mineral by something fall on it. And it can only be placed in mineral clusters.
How to use it? Check this video

Hardened Iron Block
Harder than normal iron block and requires a Modified Driller for faster mining.



Iron Wall
Hard as a level 3 hardened steel block, but has a pattern that is perfect for decoration or as a wall.

Beacon Light
susceptible to explosion Unlike other hardened iron blocks It's a block that emits light.

Supplies Driver (found in Supplies Ship)
Lv1 Trade

Lv2 Trade

/function supplies1
/structure load supplies1 (position)
Supplies Ship

creator: Green1422
Know Issue
- Can't craft Green Christmas Hat
Add more details , Modified Driller and Upgraded Modified Driller usage details
Toggle on Experimental