MCPE/Bedrock Super Drill Mods

Hi, there are a lot of different tools in Minecraft. But did we need them? if you install my mod, then you will get a super drill that can mine any blocks.
This drill has its own characteristics. there are positive and negative points. For example, this tool cannot be enchanted, but it has infinite durability.
To create a drill, place gold tools, two copper blocks, and some redstone in the workbench.

This drill has two block mining modes. To change modes, just hold down on the screen, or use the right mouse button.

mode 1, with this mode you can mine 3 blocks each, central, upper and lower

mode 2, in this mode you add only one block

you cannot enchant this item.
the super drill can break any block, even the badrock. to do this, simply press the block with a drill.
- Fix bug.
- Support Minecraft bedrock edition version 1.18