MCPE/Bedrock Technoblade's Vault

Have you been watching the DreamSMP lately? Or have you been watching from the very start, either way, this map recreates a famous construct that is relevant for the revolution against L'manburg. Get ready and gear up in this anarchist's secret hideout.

Opening the world, you are in a small lobby that leads underground to Technoblade's secret base. There is an entrance and an exit.

After entering through the hole, you fall on a pool and are within grasp of most of the area inside the base. There is a small storage system, a bed, an enchanting area, Technoblade's prized pets and an exit to the surface.

However, to enter his hidden vault, you must reach for the lever above the left double chest in the enchanting area. After flicking it on, a flushed door on the floor will unlock and show ladders to climb down on. The main room in the vault is the huge storage system filled with potions, equipment, food and other necessities. The next room to the left is his farming area to gather nether wart and besides the sugarcane farm is his secret stash. To the right is his miscellaneous room for brewing, crafting or grinding.
Very grateful for Creavite, the original creator of the map, to let me help with the bedrock porting, check out their content for similar builds regarding the DreamSMP or just fun maps in general in Java and Bedrock.
Fixed the broken download link that led to nowhere and added minor description adjustments.
Just press skip ad, block all incoming notifications and it will go to mediafire after a minute. Then press the file and import to minecraft.