MCPE/Bedrock Tegra Shader v1.01b release!

This shader is made with the aim of having fun. This shader name is inspired by Nvidia Tegra.
This shader has a full color effect and enhances the effects of mcpe graphics. This shader is support for MCPE 1.16+, Support Nether Update!
And support beta versions.
Creator : RazzleDiamond
YouTube: click here
Instagram: click here
This shader is made in Indonesia!
This shader is tested in:
- infinix smart 5 lite
- realme c25
Freatures :
- smooth leaf movement
- water reflection
- sun rise metallic
- glowing ore
- cloud reflection on each block
- realistic water
- specular (sun reflection) in each block
- Godrays in Underwater
- Color fixed vibrant color.
- magic end sky
- cloud fbm
for other features please see for yourself in the game.
Some screenshots :

- Atmosphere

- Wet effect (puddles)

- Shadows

- Metallic

- Sun reflection

- Fresnel and dirlight

- Galaxy
Video showcase :
Credits Info :
- dFdx Tutorials :,pixels%20from%20the%20top%20ones.
- Shadertoy :
wanzek(aryawan) : metallic detect & glowing ores - ProtoShade : specular
Aces filmic & jodie : tonemap - Robobo : sky (fake) reflection
This shader has permission from the shader developers
- licence :
- it is not allowed to retrieve code without my permission.
- allowed to modify this shader only for yourself
- It is not allowed to change the link that I have provided
- not allowed to create link shorteners such as, etc.
- can be shared or reviewed, but must be on the same or original link.
maybe it's a bug that I haven't fixed because I'm too busy to fix it.
- This shader only supports open gl 3.0 or above.
- This shader has a bug on the gpu power vr.
- I don't know if this shader supports iOS or not.
If You Found Bugs In This Shader, Report Me On Instagram : @RazzleDiamond Or YouTube : Razzle Diamond
- fixed bottom effect
- keep glowing in every block
- fix post metallic block
- fix detection
- fix coloring
how to extract zip file
- Open folder/games/com.mojang/resource_packs
- Extract Here