MCPE/Bedrock Textures for The Hive Players v1.1 (Fanmade)

Hive custom textures
Disclaimer: This is a FANMADE custom texturepack! it's not from hive!
I made this Texture pack to enhance the player's experience on Hive server (Bedrock & MCPE). This texture pack doesn't cover all blocks/items in Vanilla, so I recommend to use another texture pack under it like "MultiPixel" it's up to you though ? . The blocks/items that are used consistently on Hive are the ones with custom textures. Enjoy!
Quick Overview:

Ores & others:


PvP items:

Armor: (slightly more vibrant)

Retextured andesite:

- Added andesite & heart of the sea textures.
- Fixed text formatting issues.
✦ Stay hydrated
✦ Don't choke on water