MCPE/Bedrock The Infinity Stone

You start on a room with just a pickaxe and a infinitely generating stone, in the progress of playing you will unlock 4 villagers with useful trades, how will you survive?
ps. the "it's from scratch" means that he will make a new version of this map from scratch
So go sub to SquidgyFacePlays:
The aporovel was on his discord server:
The Shop
the shop is a villager that trades pickaxes

The Smeltery:
The smeltery is a villager that converts your low value items to high valued items
The worker:
The worker is a villager that sells minions that generates resources for you
Note: please read the starter book before buying any of the workers because i couldn't get any custom names into the worker villager's trades, i will reupload the map as soon as i find a way to do it
The warlock
the warlock trades the sun stone -- the stone that has infinite power, place it on the sea lantern under the infinity stone to finish the game

The cobble bank:
the you can use the cobble bank to store anything and the generated cobblestone from the stone helper will be in it, it might be a little bit slow since it can store 30+ chests of items

Map trailer by SquidgyFacePlays:
creator: cyao1234
The infinity stone version 1.21
- Fixed the mcworld file to work
- Made the generators from redstone powered to command block powered
- Fixed bugs
If the links stop working please DM me on discord or tell me on my server
tag: cyao1234#2688
server invite: