MCPE/Bedrock TNT Run Advanced

MCPE/Bedrock TNT Run Advanced

TNT Run Advanced is a minecraft bedrock edition game map made by map maker zhea dynamix and addon maker cda94581.

Unlike other TNT Run maps this one offers lots of new and fun features. The map is suitable for both multiplayer and single player.


click here to comment on our showcase video




Time Played: Visible in main lobby.

Balance coins: Visible when you are inside the shop.

Rank Statistic:

Coins|Wins|Highscore|Previous Score: Visible in the pause screen.


Admin commands:

/function resetmultiplayer- If the multiplayer mode doesn't auto reset, you can force reset using this command.

/function resetpractice- If the practice mode doesn't auto reset, you can force reset using this command.

/function resetstatistics- type this in chat to reset all statistics such as "coins" or "time played".

NOTE: do not use it unnecessarily!



Main Lobby:

Stand on the specified color glass to use the portals.
•You can also talk to the NPC to teleport
•PvP is always disabled in main lobby



Multiplayer Lobby:
You will need at least 2 players to start.

•Crouch while holding the "Back to lobby item" to return to main lobby.

•You can enable/disable pvp while in the multiplayer lobby.

•If you win in this mode you can get upto 20 coins



Practice Mode:
This mode is single player only!

•You will automatically recieve speed and jump boost.

•Objective is to try and stay on the platform for as long as you can.

•You can try and beat your personal highscore or your friends highscore, and rank up in the leaderboard!

•You can win upto 10 coins n this mode if you survive for more than 100s.

Note: you cannot use the LEAP power-up in this mode, totems still work! 



Spectator Mode:

In this mode you can fly around and spectate any on-going game in multiplayer lobby or practice lobby.

You will recieve a "Back to Lobby" item as well as "change lobby" compass.

right click the compass to switch between multiplayer and spectator lobbies.



In-game Shop:

•The in-game shop offers a variety of cosmetics to choose from, including effects and awesome powerups to give you a really fun experience and help you win games in multiplayer.



For any help or feedback-support;

you can click here to join our "map making & command-help" discord server 


• Fixed a glitch in the In-game shop cosmetics slide.

•Increased the amount of coins won after winning a game.

•Made minor changes to admin commands.


Installation is free, however it is your responsibility to respect the creators efforts & follow these conditions:

• Do not redistribute the content by any means other than this "link".

• Do not redistribute under the name of someone or an organization who are not the rightful creators of this content.

• If you plan on making videos on our map or want to use it in a realm/server, make sure to credit the creators: zhea dynamix & cda94581 and link to this website.

•Do not try to falsely claim our content or part of it (with or without modification).

If you agree to abide by these conditions; you can download the map from the link provided below.