MCPE/Bedrock UltimateHD v1.2 (skinpack)

MCPE/Bedrock UltimateHD v1.2 (skinpack)

UltimateHD - v1.2

Hello! here is a new SkinPack. I made this HD skinpack by my own for MCPE and MCBE users. This SkinPack has a variety types of skins like e-boy & e-girl, cute skins, steve with additional accessories, and other random stuff. I will keep adding new stuff to this when I get inspiration. If you have any ideas of a new skin to add let me know, since this can help boost updates ? 

 All of these HD skins were created by me (except only 2 that I used for clothing reference [they were free skins], ghoste & ruby)(In v1.2, I used hive jacket that is also free and created by a hive player, but made the effects + creeper face and everything else).


Quick Showcase:



You're not allowed to reupload my skins on anywhere (even a skinpack that you made, or on other websites)

NOTE: If you've been here before you will notice that I changed the pack name (it was "The Golden Pack"), it's still the same pack & same creator


  • Changed the featured image since it used to have an art of a real looking person. (Drip meme)


 If you have 'failed to import' error on mcpe, move the skinpack.mcpack into an app called 'Documents by readdle' and open it there , instead of 'files' app which won't work.

 If you are still confused with this error, I have a tutorial on my YT: @MetanoiaRose