MCPE/Bedrock Ultra Realistic With Connected Textures

This is a ultra realistic texture pack that includes some connected textures. I was inspired by Umsoeas ray tracing texture pack that he uses in his videos and i wanted it for myself. I saw that there weren't any connected texture packs for mcpe so i made one.
Here are some images of the connected textures

Here are some pics of the rest of the texture pack

All of the connected textures are glazed terracotta blocks that have been retextured.
If you want to share this texture pack or its content you must use a link that directs the user to this site and you must tag my youtube channel. Youtube channel name is Azapz
Here's the biggest changes i made to the texture pack
- Changed the ores and stone textures
- Added some textures to items such as ender pearl and some foods.
- Added textures to most of the concrete blocks
- Changed the brick and stone bricks texture
- The brown concrete now looks like brick tiles and fits in most houses and buildings.
- Retextured the acacia trapdoor to a moving fan. (You have to be close to the block to see it moving)
- Added textures to all trapdoors. Some can be used to make tables and some can be used for windows.
- Edited the item frame
- Edited the sea lantern, redstone lamp and glowstone textures.
Removed the youtube video in the description and updated the textures of the logs
When you press the download link you will come to a site called linkvertise. Press the im not a robot button and do the captcha. Then press view interesting articles, press the x on the top right corner and wait 10 seconds. Press continue and wait another 10 seconds. Then press direct access to ultra real w connect. Now download the file and apply it