MCPE/Bedrock United States of Urania (U.S.U)

"The United States of Urania (USU) is a Minecraft PE project that has been in development since 2014. In its beginnings it began as a small city, Frank, and over time it expanded to become the 6 states that make up to the country. At the moment the world has at least 12 cities in full development being Frank city and therefore the most developed of the country. Currently the country is in transition to a new capital city: city U.S.U
- The United States of Urania is one of the two countries so far that belong to planet M (Inside the file there is a new country that is not related to the United States, however, it shares its geographical location; enclave)
- The country operates under a political and economic system is democratic and capitalist respectively, the currency as an economic system is called Uranium. Each enacted law is stipulated in the national newspaper located in the capital city. The gentilicio is called Uraniano."
- ¡¡¡¡ATTENTION!!!! Arbolado City has opened up to the world, this will be the only city that will admit skyscrapers made by creators like you. If you want to contribute with your skyscraper you can send it to [email protected]
- Population:
1. Wolf state
a. U.S.U City: No censado
b. Ravines U: N/C
c. Wolf City: 10.888 habitantes
2. Ardolebo state
a. Ardolebo: N/C
b. Arboledo: N/C
c. Arbolado: N/C
d. Bear Town: N/C
e. Private town: N/C
e. Urania Kingdom: N/C
3. Metropolitan state
a. Frank City: 132.588
4. Socialist state
a. Uranistan: N/C
b. Saturnistan: 14.480
c. Xianistan: N/C
5. Delfín state
a. X City: 11.588
b. Pirhe City: N/C
6. Acorn state
a.Acorn Kingdom: 13.464
b. Acorn Town: N/C
c. Private town: N/C
Total population: 190.000
- Map of the United States of Urania:

The national newspaper is now the center of attention with new news and new enactments of laws

• The new flag symbolizes through its colors the 6 states that make up the country.

TheThe following image corresponds to the map of the Frank city and it shows the 7 communes that make up the Great Frank; LoNevado, LaJungla, LasPraderas, ElValle, LaReserva, Nehuen.

- The big city has all kinds of public services, rail transport system, airport, high-end vehicles and an extensive subway train system consisting of 4 underground lines that link the different communes.
- Trailer:
- Advances in Acorn Park
- Apartments in Saturnistan
- Buildings in wooded city. The city of Arbolado has opened up to the world, this will be the only city that will admit skyscrapers made by creators like you. If you want to contribute with your skyscraper you can send it to [email protected]
- The enclave country Azul is now part of the U.S.U, now as a city whose name is New Blue
- New town of mansions
- View of New Blue
- New residential area in A.k city
- Many new skyscrapers
- Great advances in bullet train