MCPE/Bedrock Vase

It's time to decorate your home with these fantastic vases! You can create them in survival in an easy way and use them to decorate your base, or create a warehouse, a whole world of opportunities!
First you must create a vase with glass and wood.

Then you must place the block you want.

And ready! You have your vases to decorate!

The idea is to post updates every week and add more vases for blocks, food, etc.
List of available vases:
- Cobblestone Vase
- Crimson Stem Vase
- Warped Stem Vase
- Oak Wood Vase
- Spruce Wood Vase
- Birch Wood Vase
- Jungle Wood Vase
- Acacia Wood Vase
- Dark Oak Wood Vase
- Crimson Planks
- Warped Planks
- Oak Wood Planks
- Spruce Wood Planks
- Birch Wood Planks
- Jungle Wood Planks
- Acacia Wood Planks
- Dark Oak Wood Planks
- Barrel Vase
- Bookshelf Vase
- Bricks Vase
- Cartography Table Vase
- Crafting Table Vase
- Chest Vase
- Amethyst Block Vase
- Block of Copper Vase
- Exposed Copper Vase
- Weathered Copper Vase
- Oxidized Copper Vase
- Ancient Debris Vase
- Andesite Vase
- Stone Vase
- Granite Vase
- Polished Granite Vase
- Diorite Vase
- Polished Diorite Vase
- Polished Andesite Vase
- Block of Coal Vase
- Block of Diamond Vase
- Block of Emerald Vase
- Block of Gold Vase
- Block of Iron Vase
- Lapis Lazuli Block Vase
- Block of Netherite Vase
- Block of Raw Copper Vase
- Block of Raw Gold Vase
- Block of Raw Iron Vase
- Block of Redstone Vase
- Basalt Vase
- Blackstone Vase
- Deepslate Copper Ore Vase
- Coal Ore Vase
- Copper Ore Vase
Are you Youtuber and want to make a video? Add this message in the description, thanks!
Add-On created by Ragthor.

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Vases added:
- Block of Raw Copper Vase
- Block of Raw Gold Vase
- Block of Raw Iron Vase
- Block of Redstone Vase
- Basalt Vase
- Blackstone Vase
- Deepslate Copper Ore Vase
- Coal Ore Vase
- Copper Ore Vase
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