MCPE/Bedrock Weed Flora

Do you think that Minecraft Vanilla has very little Flora?
Would you like to give your world some natural decoration?
Well, in this Complement I add some flowers so that your world takes color.
If you are a Youtuber, leave the link to this Page.
You must have Beta version at least
Activate all Game functions and experiment so that the Addons works correctly.
Well this is the list of flowers that he adds:
All of them grow throughout the world. Some have specific Biomes
(From left to right)

*Aloe_vera: [biome]: taiga, block =Podzol
*Blood_orchid: [biome]:swamp, blocks=grass
*Chamomile: [biome]: jungle, block =grass
*Cloudsbluff: [biome]: overworld
*Cohosh: [biome]: taiga, block =Podzol
*Ginseng: [biome]: overworld
*Marsh_mallow: [biome] : swamp
*Nasturtium: biome overworld
All of these grow in the overworld:
*Cosmos orange
*Cosmos yellow
*Geranium pink
*Geranium red
*Lobelia blue
*Lobelia light
*Zinnia magenta
*Zinnia Mix

These are the Gladiolas, They all grow in the bosm

These are the two mushrooms that the addon adds
*Deathstalk_mushroom (Do not go over it because it is Poisonous)
*Mooncap mushroom

Here are some images of how flowers generate in the world.

That's all Thank you for Using My Addons that you enjoy it.
Flowers now spawn as a Minecraft feature and not as entities.
Some blocks and items considered unnecessary were eliminated