MCPE/Bedrock Zed's Vanilla

Granted, there are a lot of vanilla tweaks texture packs out there. I have spent quite some of my own time browsing for a great pack: that which improves and changes vanilla but not to a certain extent. After finding next to none, I decided to make my own pack. I have tried to fit my own criteria to hopefully satisfy other people like me who loves vanilla improvements. I present, Zed's Vanilla.
Zed's Vanilla contents!
Block tweaks
Better Polished Blocks, connected Bookshelves, a more shaded flowerpot, bigger door windows (not all doors), and a composter with the podzol not visible on the sides.

Tool tweaks
Tweaks all tools!
Wood changes: Leaf ties
Stone changes: Ties
Netherite changes: Removes dark band on handles
Changes applicable to all: Adds the little knob previously exclusive to swords

Double Slabs!
Double slab textures are basically a fancy way to have two alternative textures. You place two slabs on top of each other and bam, new textures.

Stone Bricks/Mossy Stone Bricks

Press the .mcpack file and it should install.
For those who can't install .mcpacks, rename the suffix to .zip. I'll eventually release a .zip version soon.