MCPE/Bedrock Zombie Illager and Witch (Final Development)

Hello everyone, this time I'm going to share my zombie-themed addon, namely Zombie Illager and Zombie Witch! These zombies have similar attitudes and similarities to zombie villagers, But the difference is, they are zombies who come from Illagers.
They can be cured, but curing method is the same as the zombie villager. Using Golden Apple and potion of weakness!...
They can spread the infection or virus to villagers, not yet to illagers

This is picture, only have 4 zombie type in minecraft, but when you play with this addon, Will add 5 new types of zombies!.

Here are 5 new zombies! Maybe you are wondering why there are zombies that look like zombie evoker, but with red ties.
It's a blood version of zombie evoker! (The zombie that looks like a zombie evoker is in the middle position)

This is picture, of SPAWN group of zombie pillager!

This is a picture, of spawn group of zombie witch

This is picture, of spawn group of zombie evoker...

This is spawn group of zombie vindicator
How to cure zombie illager.
1.Use Potion of weakness, throw it at zombie illager you want...
2.Use Golden Apple, for Minecraft Bedrock using pc, just right CLICK and then wait for it...
For Bedrock edition using handphone, press cure text, and then wait for it
How to summon baby zombie illager
Use spawn event : minecraftis_baby
minecraft:entity_born, minecraft:as_baby
1.0.5 Update :
*Added Illager equipment at zombie illager and Zombie witch
*Fixes Zombie Wandering Trader

*Added Portuguese Language
New Mob :
Added Zombie Ice Villager (Icebie Villager)
Final Development
No longer updates
No more mobs
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Hello bro, the download link is already in the link section, bro!
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