MCPE Emote+ Addon v1.1 Update! (1.17.x)
this is the best addon for more mcpe emotes allowing players to express themselves with cool animations

Emote+ v1.1 Update! (1.17.x)
Have you ever wanted to fully Role Play, but lacked the current player animations and downloaded addons? This addon will help you solve your problem! Thanks to this addon, any player on the server can play any animation, even without operator rights.

This addon works quite simply. You need to write to the chat ".emote", to see a list of available animations that you want to play.

Some of these animations were made by hand, and therefore they require MANDATORY inclusion of the texture pack for the addon.
.emote bored

.emote sit

.emote child

.emote sleep

To stop the emotion type ".stopemote".
Emote+ v.1.1 update:
Enjoy your use! ????
.emote creeper - Simulate creeper.
.emote sneeze - Bacteria on the legs.
.emote t-pose - From the memes.
I wanted to add a link to the mediafire to make it easier for you to download the addon, but for some reason it is broken for me. Sorry ┐(‘~`;)┌
Requirement: Turn on "Gametest Framework" in your world for the addon to work properly.
