More Axolotl Variants

More Axolotl Variants

By mno

Too lazy to construct a hut? Perhaps, but perhaps not. Are you too lazy to construct a castle? I know I am, and I'm sure you are as well. This is a must-have set! We have immediate huts, houses, bars, combat pits, castles, and much more!

Quick rundown right here:

Essentially you craft your instant spawn egg, drop it down, and stand back. In a couple of seconds you'll have your instant building, ready to move in to!

A lot of the spawn eggs require a foundation block. You can craft one like this:

Instant Castle

Instant Dragon Pit

Instant Hut

Instant Bigger Hut

Instant Tavern

Instant Market

Instant Shop

Instant Market Square

Complete with dispute resolution center.

Instant Cage

Our Youtube channel here!

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