More Bear Species Addon

By Trimericbee1553
This addon includes 21 of the 32 bear species. It's the addon that has the most mobs. Because they denied it, the last one did not appear in MCPEDL. This addon is available to anyone who desires it!
All types of brown bears/normal bears
They apear in all type of forrests and taigas accept for died out ones now ussuri Syrian and Europe ones are tameable with sweet berries and honey combs the most useful are europe one because he or she will after taming attack monsters and mobs that you punch but before tame they attack monsters too sometimes you need tame another bear some times they attack creepers and they blow up and bear died
All types of black bear
All apear in taigas all because none of black bears died out thay are tameable and ride able after tame like black bear they are tameable only with honey comb
All grizzly bear types
Thay apear in taigas and mesa / badlands accept for died out ones
Weird bear types
they apear in jungle , roofed forrest and in mountains with thees moon bear is only tameable with honeycomb they are readable after taming
Died out bear species
They apear in the end or nether even both in actual addon short faced bear is bigger than that on picture
Polar bears change to worse or better?
Change in texture,how big it is and its agressiwe
Bonus bear type the black bear from fox and the hound (very old Disney's movie) (bear attack scene) (it naturaly spawn in rare biomes and it's rare to it naturaly spawn)
New Americans black bears and European brown bears have change sounds