Skye Graphics v3
These graphics look great with the Bare Bones Texture Pack, but are compatible with any other texture pack or shader. This resource pack supports the Render Dragon engine and MCPE versions 1.19+.

Skye Graphics is a resource pack for Minecraft that offers a brighter, cleaner, and more minimalistic visual experience. It features unique sky, clouds, sun, and moon, bright blue water in all biomes, lighter and more vibrant colormaps for grass and leaves, and improved fog for weather and underwater.
The pack also includes two modes, Daylight and Twilight, and is compatible with other texture packs and shaders.
To use the pack, the user can download and install it in Global Resources, and then choose the mode they prefer by using the settings gear icon. It is recommended to turn on certain settings such as Render clouds, Beautiful Skies, and Smooth lighting for optimal experience.