Ultra Realismo Shader Lite v1.1 (Android/iOS)

Ultra Realism Shader Lite v1.1 is a new low-resource realistic shader but that does not mean that it lags behind other shaders, it has the purpose of improving the graphics to the limit for a greater gaming experience, based on the canceled project by Mojang "Super Duper Graphics Pack" only compatible with (Android / iOS)
- Sunrise and sunset
- Day and night color
- White lighting and realistic shadows
-Realistic waters
- Coloring of the world
- White lighting
- Beautiful and realistic sky similar to the "Super Duper Graphics Pack"
- Realistic shadow
- Realistic waters
- Water wave
- Aquatic caustic
- Agitation of leaves and plants "generic movement"
- Reflection of the sun in the water (sunrise / sunset)
- Fog
- Etc ...
Check out the official trailer to learn more about this shader. Also by watching this video you are helping me:
- Use this mcpedl link if you want to share this shader.
- Please do not create another link for this shader.
- Please ask me for permission first, if you want to use any code from this shader.
- This shader is based on the Super Duper Graphics Pack from Mojang's canceled project
- A special thanks to Voxel Graphics (creator of the bicubic shaders) for helping me with the water code <3
- TheAlexanderツ
- Alto Realismo shader code sky
Please help me with something to motivate me to keep updating the shader constantly :) :https://paypal.me/alexander010106