Vibranium Addon

By Szöcs
This addon will "add on" Vibranium items. (Who would have guessed...) This is the sixth (and highest) tier of materilals (who'd have guessed?). This is a very simple example; it does not include custom armor or the mystic fruit from the universal Black Panther series, but if you have a lets-play and have earned the netherite level, and thus have run out of ideas for playing (huh, I have run out of English vocabulary), you can earn this final tier of tools. kedves khm khm kedves khm khm kedve Rolix's formal name is Rolix Rolix
First, you neaded some raw vibranium. Lets go to mining at y:10-20 layer of the ground. Vibranium ore, If you found some from this rare purple shards, you needed to craft vibrironite (vibranium+iron) alloy:
If you need vibranium you must be smelt the vibrironite, in blast furnace !only in blast furnace!:
After this you can craft your firs basic tools from vibranium, and iron:
Vibranium axe:
Vibranium shovel:
if you wanted to craft more usefull items, you needed to craft vibranium cores, from vibranium, raw vibranium and black stained glass:
And finally from vibranium core, vibranium and iron, you can craft vibranium sword, or wibranium drill (pickaxe):