Borgy's Mobs

By ANightDazingZoroark
Borgy's Mobs is an addon that simply adds a variety of creatures to your world, all of which have a variety of abilities and uses that make them interesting and unique.
Before downloading, please turn on commands, holiday creator features, additional modding capabilities, upcoming creator features, and creation of custom biomes in your world.
Please note that when distributing the addon, only use the mcpedl page or the github related links. You can also make a video about this addon but don’t make it a dumb clickbaity one.
If you spot any bugs or if you have suggestions you can post them in the bugtracker on GitHub. Just make sure to browse the area first.. You may also feel free to join my discord server where you can casually hang out and get updates.
The addon also has a wiki where all information about it is documented at due to the amount of things this addon has so far, which you can read if you like. You're also free to contribute anything useful there.
If you want a quick rundown on whats new in the update watch this video!
Headcrabs are small parasitic creatures that will latch onto humanoid mobs. From there they will take over their brains and use their bodies in order to attack anything they can find as a source of food. For now, this includes players, villagers, piglins, pillagers, and witches.
Currently, they spawn underground, but the various kinds of headcrab zombies can be found all over the surface at night.
By the way, you can make headcrab launchers out of their meat to turn any mob you probably don't like into a headcrab zombie, or to send in a headcrab to screw with your friends. You can then repair it with enderpearls later on if it's about to break.
To protect yourself from headcrabs, you need to wear a helmet. Do note that only vanilla helmets and helmets from this addon will protect you from them.
Houndeyes are pack hunters which utilize a shockwave attack to attack everything surrounding them, except for other houndeyes of course. They mainly attack villagers, players, and pigs. Their shockwave attacks can deal more damage depending on how many houndeyes are nearby, dealing a maximum of 24 damage with 8 houndeyes in a group.
To protect yourself from their shockwave attacks, you can either create a sonic absorber and place it down, or wear sonic absorbtion armor. To start crafting those, you need to make sound absorbent.
The recipe for the entire sonic absorbtion armor set should be obvious.
However, it's possible to tame them with all forms of cooked meat. Unfortunately their shockwave attacks still affect their owners, so make sure to wear sonic absorbtion armor!
Currently, they spawn in plains and desert biomes.
Occasionally, they will drop their lungs, which you can use to make a sonic. This weapon will create a sonic blast that will damage all surrounding mobs. You can use more lungs to repair it later on.
Bullsquids are territorial creatures that will attack anything in sight, including their own kind. They have two attacks, a powerful melee attack with their tail, and a spit attack.
Currently, they spawn in swamp biomes.
Occasionally, they will drop a bile gland that you can use to make a bile launcher. This weapon will launch a stronger version of the bullsquid's own projectiles which you can use to damage your targets at a long range. You can then repair them with more bile glands later on if they're about to break.
Icthyosaurs are aquatic predators that will hunt nearly anything nearby except other Icthyosaurs. They can be tamed with all kinds of raw meats so that you can ride them while underwater.
To control them, jump to ascend in the water, double jump to hover in the water, and jump while hovering to disable it.
In order to utilize their powerful bite attack, you need to craft an Icthyosaur heart, which requires you to kill them in the wild. Once you obtain it, just right click/tap and hold while riding it.
Currently, they spawn in all ocean biomes.
Bakunawas are exotic aquatic dragons that swim in the oceans in day, hunting anything they can find, including their own kind. By nightfall, they come out of the water to hunt for anything they find on the surface. They have a bite attack and a breath attack, both of which are equally as powerful.
Currently, they can spawn in all ocean biomes.
If you want to tame a Bakunawa for yourself, you need some powerful gear to kill them for a 12.5 % chance to get an egg. You then need to submerge the egg in water in order to hatch it. They take 8 minutes to hatch.
Once you manage to hatch an egg, you can simply feed it all kinds of meat to tame them and make them grow up faster. Once they grow up, you can control them by pressing jump to ascend, double pressing jump to hover, and pressing jump while hovering to disable hovering.
Another thing is that you can make them use their breath and bite attacks by utilizing the Bakunawa Staff. In order to craft such an item, you need to obtain a Bakunawa Heart. Bakunawa hearts can be obtained by killing Bakunawas and they will always have one.
Another use for the Bakunawa Heart is that, when you give it to a Bakunawa, it will gain regeneration and give riders Conduit Power for 8 minutes!
Bakunawas also drop their scales which you can use to craft Bakunawa armor. The recipes should be obvious. Bakunawa Armor is similar to diamond armor, except that wearing the full set will grant you strength, slow falling, and conduit power!
Occasionally you'll find a Bakunawa Nest in the ocean. This nest has an egg you can grab, a sleeping Bakunawa, and a chest with good loot. Beware as stealing the egg will wake up the nearby Bakunawa!
Sigbins are small nocturnal creatures that have a taste for humans, and curiously, headcrabs. They can go invisible, and it will only wear off when they take damage, making it hard to take screenshots of them in the wild. Currently, they spawn in any biome that has monsters.
It is possible to tame them however. Just hold some rotten flesh and sneak up to them.
Once they're tamed, they will act like a typical Minecraft wolf, except that they're somewhat better, that they will sleep in the day, and that they will scare away those pesky headcrabs and headcrab zombies. You can also manually make them invisible by using a Sigbin staff on them. The staff requires a sigbin heart, which is acquired from other wild sigbins.
Fast Headcrab
The fast headcrab is a relative of the regular headcrab except that they specialize in speed. The zombies that result in them latching onto their victims are extremely agile, as they can jump great heights and climb up walls.
Currently, they spawn underground, but the zombies they produce can be found nearly everywhere!
Poison Headcrab
The poison headcrab is a relative of the regular headcrab except that they poison their victims before attaching themselves to them. It can take quite a while before they latch on to them tho as a result of this.
Poison headcrabs will ride on the back of poison headcrab zombies, and if they find a target they will jump at them from there, so be careful!
Currently, they spawn underground, alongside their zombie counterparts.
Sarimanok (new!)
The Sarimanok is an elusive and rare bird. If you try to attack it they will grant you wither and run away, but you can give it some kibble for rewards.
Currently, they spawn in jungle biomes.