MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft, but Golem Trade OP Items

I think Iron Golem has no purpose other than getting iron for speedrunners (lolll). But now I added a new trade system for golems also, just like villagers. And, not only items, they give OP items. I hope you will enjoy this.

Iron Golem Trades
Here I will show you the OP trades that our Iron golem gives to us.
Diamond Armor
In the below image, you can clearly see that you can a full set of diamond armor for DIRT ONLY !!!!. Now, golem got a good use, but more are coming.....

Tools, and Gapple
Not only good armor, you also got netherite sword, tools and premium food of the game, aka Golden Enchanted Apple, or we can say GAPPLE.

Diamond Blocks
The most OP items that you can trade are BLOCKS of DIAMOND, GOLD, and IRON with just oak logs!!!!!!!!. Yes, Entire Blocks..

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Cuz, making mods takes much time and hard work. Hope you understand ?
Just done some tweaks, to make it better ? ?