MCPE/Bedrock 1 in 17,000,000,000

Are you a fan of Dream? Want to know what it feels like to have crazily overpowered luck? Or just want the easiest speedrun time ever? Introducing "1 in 17 Billion"... Making your dream of being Dream come true! Who needs skill when you have "luck"?
anThis addon doesn't "add" anything, but changes the loot tables of certain entities and naturally spawning chests in the world!
Blazes hard to farm? Now they drop anywhere from 2-15 blaze rods every time 100% OF THE TIME (increased even more by Looting obviously)
Endermen dropping too few Ender Pearls? Now they are 100% to drop anywhere from 2-20 Pearls FROM ONE ENDERMAN!
Tired of grinding iron golems off spawn to get a max of 5 iron? Well good for you they now drop anywhere from 5 to 25 iron GAURANTEED!!!
(Individual results may vary)
Without Looting:
Mobs Killed: 1 of each Blaze, Golem, and Enderman with a sword without looting

With Looting 3:
Mobs Killed: 1 each of Blaze, Golem, and Enderman WITH a looting 3 sword

Too hard to get loot off spawn? Now chests from certain locations are a LOT better!
Shipwreck Treasure Chest Loot Changes:
Diamonds now are higher priority than the other ores
No more Nuggets!
You can get blocks of Ore
You can get up to 10x the loot you would normally

Treasure Bastion Loot: (Because no one cares about the other 3 kinds lets be honest)
Netherite Galore! Find a TON of netherite stuff
Many more netherite Ingots
Iron Blocks, Gold Blocks, Diamond Blocks!
(Also Chance at Enchanted Golden Apples Too!)

Ruined Portal Loot:
Golden Blocks now replace Golden nuggets in spawn quantity
Iron Blocks can spawn instead of Iron nuggets
Randomly Enchanted diamond armor replaces randomly enchanted gold armor
Same as above with tools
Golden Apples and God apples replace the quantity you would get flint, clocks, pressure plates and other useless loot

Blacksmith Loot: (Because best village house)
High chance of Iron in the chest
Diamond armor spawns in the chests, replacing iron
Diamond tools and weapons also spawn in the chest replacing iron gear
Bread is now lowered in the weight list, to make the loot from the others higher
God apples replace normal Apples

Desert Temple Loot:
Pearls Pearls and More Pearls! Pearls replaces the quantity of Rotten Flesh and Bones
Enchanted books are more common
God Apples replace the Emerald quantity
Diamonds replace the Spider Eye quantity

Addon is simple to use and play around with!
In your world settings turn on "Additional Modding Capabilities" while loading the world and you'll be good to go!

DISCLAIMER: Bridgeworks Entertainment takes no side in the Dream Cheating Scandal. This addon is only intended as a light hearted joke in regards to the situation do not target any member or staff of Bridgeworks Entertainment with your hate comments because "DrEaM DiDn'T AcTuAlLy ChEaT PuRpOsEfUlLy" please and thanks! This in NO WAY is intended to impact any person or party in a negative way, so please do not take it as such. It is a hyperbole and a joke based around the fake scripted speedruns that have been circulating media recently. We do not care if you like Dream or not, nor do we care if you believe he did not cheat. This addon is not made to represent any party in any negative way it is just to poke fun at the statistics being obviously tipped. Thank you for your understanding.
Also Disclaimer: DO NOT USE THIS MOD AND TRY TO SUBMIT AN OFFICIAL SPEEDRUN WHILE USING IT THAT IS DUMB. The loot tables in this addon are extremely amplified making it so incredibly obvious you would be cheating do not even bother trying to waste anyones time. The speedrun community Mods do their best to keep fake speedruns off the leaderboards, don't try to waste theirs, yours, or anyone elses time by using this mod because it will be insanely obvious!
You can use this in a video! Just give credits and this Link in the description
You can use this for realms, Worlds, or your own private (non-paid) servers!
You can make modifications to the files for personal use, but not for reupload.
Do NOT put this on ANY other addon or pack sharing site.
Do NOT claim this as your own work
Do NOT try to make any money off my addon, it is free to use, keep it that way