MCPE/Bedrock Alarm System House Ultra Safety Home World

A complex two storey house that will protect you, and alert you if your in danger or if someone has robbed your home.It has a secret room with all of your loot and valuables and a getaway tunnel if by any chance you want to bamboozle your robber/criminal/enemy making them think you have randomly vanished from your home.

Security house has cute sittable chairs on both sides
With two presure plates with a secret use.(secret)

This is the Alarm switch located in the house hallway.
You can switch it up to turn the alarm on,
And switch it down to turn it off.
Secret Entrance Room! ⬇️
Over to your right you will see A shulker its a secret entrance to your valuables.

Secret Entrance Room!
Simpaly just stand directly over it and open the shulker
It will make you fall do into another layer of the house.
(PSST... there is no item in the shulker)

You will drop down here where you have access to your loot and armour
A tunnel leads you to a water elevator which leads you to the front of your house.

I'm very sorry if this upload is bad its my first time I will upload better in future.
Click on the download file.
When your download is complete, just open the file and it will redirect you to Minecraft.
Where it will import the world and display it on you worlds.