MCPE/Bedrock OTZ TPack Review World (1.17)

have you bored with the most popular texture pack review world? want to try to find something similar but better? want 1.17 support? well, here's your solution then.this is OTZ TPack Review World created by @The Octazen. this is the most simple, the biggest, and the most detailed map for texture pack review. don't worry, this world will not cause any lag for average devices like me. what I put there includes :particles, foods, ores, minerals, swords, tools, TARGET BLOCK for bow, overworld and nether, armors, containers, and ultimate review hallway!! There are commands for certain features (particles, teleport, and speed boost mode)this map allows you to see what blocks, items, mobs changed and not changed by your pack!this map is similar to the most popular texture pack review map so you can recognize it easily!this map support multiplayer, so you can have friends to join!an easy way to review your pack ?

in making texture pack, you need to remake any food, any item, any block. etc
I put the most used items and blocks for texture pack here!
Here are some of the pictures, I hope you like it <3

this is my armor room design with fountain, I put minecart there for cinematic review ?

for some reason, I put target block besides weapons because I hate when people shoot bows at random.

this is ultimate review hallway. many kinds of stuff are here such as mob, aquatic mob, wood, slime and honey, quartz, redstone, and other cool stuff!!

you're able to :
-destroy it
-record videos on it
-check command block
-build extra room/command block
-enjoy the map
-credit me if you want to support me with this :
>>> map by
you're not able to :
-republish my map
-selling my map to others
(sorry for bad English) anyway, enjoy the map!
The link will direct you to .mcworld file