MCPE/Bedrock Arkham Knight - Wayne Manor - Gotham: Revival

The Dark Knight experience in minecraft! Explore the legendary mansion with one of the most famous superhero lairs underneath in Bedrock. The map is heavily inspired with DC Batman: Arkham games.
◾Hello, it's Raptor. Introducing the new Wayne manor from Batman: Arkham videogames along with the Batcave!

💎 Support the project on its main page on PMC 💎
🔺Most important buildings will be as mini-projects, but this is still part of my main project: Gotham: Revival 🔺
◾For now this has already taken about four months. The whole building started as a build-commission that I accepted, basically a more accurate version of Berhan's Wayne manor (I agree, that was good, but non-accurate). So this is how i started something I would anyway have to start - the mansion of the bat - Wayne manor. Currently, I'm announcing that the map is finished! You are able to freely explore both Manor and Batcave on Bedrock or Java edition, with all the games' rooms and custom additions.
◾Wayne manor | Revival project: Mansion includes:
—The building progress: 100%
—The area with some side buildings
—Wayne manor
—The mansion interior
——The main hall
——Main hall rooms
——Butler's sitting
——Guest room
——Butler's bedroom
——Loundry room
——Servants' hall
——Small storage room
——Arkham: VR room (morning room)
——Dining room 1
——Dining room 2
——Family members' bedrooms
——Wine cellar
——Gotham TV inspired Master's office
——Guest bedrooms
——Grand hallway
—The Batcave
——Cave entrances
——Cave area
——AK/AC Batcave
——A:VR Batcave
Bedrock v0.2
- Nothing major, fixed a bug with the morning room elevator activating wrong mechanism which caused the platform to disappear after first use
- Open the .mcworld file
- Let the map load in Minecraft
- Done
creator: iIRaptorIi