MCPE/Bedrock Auto-Miner!

Tried of strip mining? The endless search for diamonds getting old? Well dreed no more with Don's Auto Miner! This addon adds 2 custom entities to assist you with all your block braking needs.
v 1.2.16
Auto-miner has been rebuilt from the ground up to provide a more optimized and less confusing experience.

The Auto-Miner is an autonomous robot assistant specializing in the removal and transportation of blocks.

- Interacting with the machine will turn it on and off
- Shift Interacting will change its rotation
- To despawn the miner just punch it. It will also now drop all equipped items, aside from torches

You can now upgrade it with different Ore Blocks
- By default, the Miner is equipped with an Iron Drill Bit
- By interacting with the Miner using a higher tear Ore Block the old one will be swapped back into your inventory
Iron Drill Bit default speed

Gold Drill Bit x0.5 speed

Diamond Drill Bit x1 speed

Netherite Drill Bit x2 speed

15 new colors & a special rainbow skin!
- You can now dye your Miners by using any color of dye and interacting with the machine.
- You can also craft the default spawn egg with any color of dye to get the same result.

Multiple Pump Support!
- You can now craft multiple pumps for transporting items back to your base
- Pumps also now despawn by punching them

- Miners will automatically target the nearest Pump when equipped with a hopper

- Shift interacting with the Pump will recall all Auto-Miners

Tick with a clock!
- Interacting with a Miner using a Clock will turn it into a ticking-based entity like the player, This allows them to mine outside of the player's load distance

Disclaimer: Having multiple ticking miners may cause performance drops depending on your device
Titlebar UI!
- New UI to display equipped items! "only appears within a 3 block radius of the Miner"

No more Bedrock!
- Due to atmospheric pressure...or whatever, Miners no longer function below y level 5


Colored Auto-Miner (shapeless)

Rainbow Auto-Miner (shapeless)


That's all for now!
- Thank you for all the downloads, support & appreciation for this addon
- Join our discord to report bugs or vote on new features and other addons
Community Vote
Additional features are suggested and voted upon by members of the Voxel Lab Discord Server, be sure to check it out to take part in future features!
YouTuber Press Kit

I read all of your comments and concerns about the addon. The biggest problem I noticed was a significant amount of players were confused about the operation mechanics of the drill. specifically how to turn it back off. To reduce confusion iv refactored the code to function without the use of any items. So aside from re-writing the entire addon what else is new?
- Simplified item less interact based control system
- Optimized animations
- Brand new codebase & added rendering system
- New cardinal based navigation system
- New crafting recipes
- Integrated light level sensor for placing torches
- Nerfed the speed of non-upgraded Auto-miners (-200%)
- Miner is now upgradable with ore blocks. (iron defspeed, gold x5speed, diamond x10speed,& netherite x15speed)
- Miner will no longer function below y level 5 (no more braking bedrock)
- Miner now drops added items (expect torches)
- Miner is now customizable with up to 16 different skins
- Miner is now a tick-based entity! no more need to follow it (activated with a clock)
- Miner now has a new dynamic UI display system to indicate it's equips
- Miners equipped with hoppers will now target the nearest pump (you can now place as many as you want)
- Pumps now despawn with a regular player attack
- Pumps now have the ability to recall all active Auto-Miners by shift-interacting with the entity
- Pumps now have smoother animations & state transitions
- Removed Auto-Wagon
- Removed Custom items
Download & install like any normal addon