MCPE/Bedrock Origins Mod Bedrock Edition Addon v1.3.0

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play Minecraft with extra abilities?
Or have you seen the Origins Mod for the Java Edition, thought about how fun it would be to play, but can't because you can only play on Bedrock?
Well then this addon is for you!
Disclaimer for people looking for the Origins Mod for the Java Edition or a version of it for Bedrock Edition!
This is in no way a perfect replica of the original Origins Mod for the Java Edition!
Some things have been changed to work properly within the limitations of the Bedrock Edition, while also attempting to keep the features as close to the style of the original and as balanced as possible!
Latest Version
The latest version of this addon is v1.3.0, view the changelog to see what has changed, or the full changelog following the Google Doc link at the bottom of the changelog.
Showcase Video
Origins Bedrock Edition Discord
I have a Discord server for this addon, join it if you would like to be more involved with the addon!
Origins Bedrock Edition Site
I have a Google Site for this addon, it has lots of helpful information about the addon, I would recommend checking it out!
Information and List of Origins
This addon adds origins that people can select at the beginning of their game and play with. These origins are based on creatures that give you special abilities that also come with balancing side effects.
The origin selection screen:

On this screen, the arrows let you choose between the different origins, and the Select button selects the origin being displayed.
The origins this addon adds are heavily based on the ones from the Origins Mod on the Java Edition by Apace100 on These origins include:
A regular human. Your ordinary Minecraft experience awaits.

Their climbing abilities and the ability to trap their foes in spiderweb make the Arachnid perfect hunters.
Climbing You are able to climb up any kind of wall, not just ladders, by jumping continuously on touch screen, or holding jump otherwise to ascend, touching a wall to descend, and sneaking to cling to the wall. This is toggleable by jumping while sneaking.
Webbing When you hit an enemy with your Primary Power item, they get stuck in cobweb and you have to wait a short cooldown before using it again.
Spider Sense You can see clearer in dark places when not in water.
Carnivore Your diet is restricted to meat, you can't eat vegetables.
Fragile You have 3 less hearts of health than humans.

The Avian race has lost their ability to fly a long time ago. Now these peaceful creatures can be seen gliding from one place to another.
Featherweight You fall as gently to the ground as a feather would, unless you sneak.
Fresh Air When sleeping, your bed needs to be at an altitude of at least 86 blocks, so you can breathe fresh air.
Tailwind You are a little bit quicker on foot than others.
Oviparous Whenever you wake up in the morning, you will lay an egg.
Vegetarian You can't digest any meat.

Late descendants of the Blaze, the Blazeborn are naturally immune to the perils of the Nether.
Fire Immunity You are immune to all types of fire damage.
Nether Inhabitant Your natural spawn will be in the Nether.
Burning Wrath When on fire, you deal additional damage with your attacks.
Hotblooded Due to your hot body, venoms burn up, making you immune to poison and hunger status effects.
Hydrophobia You receive damage over time while in contact with water.

Often flying around in the winds, Elytrians are uncomfortable when they don't have enough space above their head.
Winged You have Elytra wings without needing to equip any.
Gift of the Winds Every 30 seconds, you are able to launch about 20 blocks up into the air by using your Primary Power item.
Aerial Combatant You deal substantially more damage while in Elytra flight.
Need for Mobility You can not wear any heavy armor (armor with protection values higher than chainmail).
Claustrophobia Being somewhere with a low ceiling for too long will weaken you and make you slower.
Brittle Bones You take more damage from falling and flying into blocks.

Born as sons and daughters of the Ender Dragon, Enderians are capable of teleporting but are vulnerable to water.
Teleportation Whenever you want, you may throw an ender pearl which deals no damage by using your Primary Power item, allowing you to teleport.
Slender Body You are half a block taller than others due to your slender body, and a little bit quicker on foot than others due to your long legs, but you can fit in 2 block tall spaces by sneaking.
Hydrophobia You receive damage over time while in contact with water.

With their cat-like appearance, the Feline scares creepers away. With the dexterity of cats, they always land safely on their feet.
Acrobatics You never take fall damage, no matter from which height you fall.
Strong Ankles You are able to jump higher by jumping while sprinting.
Nine Lives You have 1 less heart of health than humans.
Weak Arms You mine slower due to your weaker arms.
Catlike Appearance Creepers and phantoms are scared of you, and creepers will only explode if you attack them first.
Nocturnal You can see clearer in the dark when not in water.

These natural inhabitants of the ocean are not used to being out of the water for too long.
Gills You can breathe underwater, but not on land.
Wet Eyes Your vision underwater is perfect.
Aqua Affinity You may break blocks underwater as others do on land.
Fins Your underwater speed is increased.

As half-human and half-phantom offspring, these creatures can switch between a Phantom and a normal form.
Phantom Form You can switch between human and phantom form at will by using your Primary Power item.
Phasing While phantomized, you can phase through solid material, except Obsidian, by punching with your Primary Power item, and you can sneak while in a wall to see through walls.
Invisibility While phantomized, you are invisible.
Photoallergic You begin to burn in daylight if you are not invisible.
Fast Metabolism Being phantomized causes you to become hungry.
Fragile You have 3 less hearts of health than humans.

Related to Shulkers, the bodies of the Shulk are outfitted with a protective shell-like skin.
Hoarder You have access to an additional 9 slots of inventory, which keep the items on death. This inventory can be accessed by looking straight down and interacting with the ground right below you, as if you were opening a chest minecart, while sneaking.
Sturdy Skin Even without wearing armor, your skin provides natural protection.
Strong Arms You mine faster due to your stronger arms.
Unwieldy The way your hands are formed provide no way of holding a shield upright.
Large Appetite You exhaust much quicker than others, thus requiring you to eat more.

You can find the full list of the origins this addon adds here!
Though, more origins can be added by me, others, or yourself if you choose to make them!
Orb of Origin?
The Orb of Origin adds a way for people to change their origin later on in the game if they don't like their decision, it can be used by using it like a consumable. The optional behavior pack "Origins Mod Craftable Orb of Origin" adds a way for the Orb of Origin to be obtained in survival without the use of commands. This behavior pack can go anywhere in the list of behavior packs. To get the Orb of Origin with commands, do "/give @s origins:orb_of_origin".
The crafting recipe:
(Any enchanted book works.)

Creator Notes
Reuploading and Note for Content Creators
Don't reupload this addon elsewhere (however, posting custom origins you make is fine as long as you give credit to Apace for the mod and me for the addon), do not claim the addon as your own, and give credit if you use this addon on a server, on a realm, with friends, for a YouTube video, ect! If you do use this addon and leave a link for it, do not link it to the direct Mediafire downloads, link it to this post, Discord server, or the showcase video! Also, don't use any link shorteners on the link like adfly or linkvertise, it's not your addon to profit from!
If a feature like the Phantom burning in the sun is not working properly, relogging can sometimes fix it, but if it doesn't, please submit a bug report to the Discord server about the issue so that I may fix it and update the addon with the fix!
Supported Platforms
This addon does work on mobile and Windows 10, and should work on all other versions of Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Although the addon has had issues when hosted on consoles in the past, and depending on the power or age of your device, it can get quite laggy!
Supported Versions
This version of the addon has only been tested in 1.18.2, but supports 1.18.0 and later updates, earlier versions will not run with this addon, and future or beta versions may have problems! Problems found in betas will not be fixed, and this addon will be updated as soon as possible for future non-beta releases of Minecraft Bedrock Edition if issues arise!
This addon requires the Holiday Creator Features and Gametest Framework experiments to function properly!
Multiplayer Compatibility
This has been tested with multiplayer and it is multiplayer compatible, but depending on connection, things like climbing as the Arachnid can be quite delayed, and depending on the amount of players and the power of the hosts device, things can get quite laggy!
Server and Realm Support
This addon does support servers and realms!
How did you get permission to make this addon?
From Apace100's Discord bot on their Origins Discord server.

But ShadowSharkPVP made this?
This is not a reupload of the Origins addon by ShadowSharkPVP, I started making this addon around February 14th, 2021, ShadowSharkPVP started making his around the same time. The files, functions, and json for both addons are very different. ShadowSharkPVP made his post on March 27th, I also tried to post mine on March 24th, 2021 but I was denied March 26th, 2021 for not having enough information.
Support Me
Since it has taken that long with many hours of development to create this, I would appreciate it if you were to show some support by sharing this addon or commenting what you thought about the addon!
Have fun! ?
Changes since v1.2.4
- New selection screen.
- Resource bars (cooldown bars).
- Now requires Holiday Creator Features and the Gametest Framework experiments.
- Origins
- Arachnid
- Climbing can now be toggled by jumping while sneaking.
- Webbing now requires you to hit a mob with your Primary Power item.
- Spider Sense now gives you night vision in dark places.
- Elytrian
- Gift of the Winds now accurately propels the Elytrian 20 blocks up and is now activated by using your Primary Power item.
- Feline
- Catlike Appearance now keeps creepers and phantoms slightly further away, creepers won't explode if you are too close to them, and creepers will only explode if you hit them.
- Nocturnal now gives you night vision in dark places.
- Enderian
- Removed the Tough Skin power.
- Phantom
- Phantom Form is now toggled by using your Primary Power item, sneak to get the item back after using it.
- Phasing is now done by punching with your Primary Power item to move forward through blocks, and you can sneak while in any block to see through blocks.
- Didn't include the Extra Origins or Weird People Origins, but will add them back over time.
- Powers
- Carnivore and Vegetarian powers now damage you and drop the food when you try to eat a food that you can't eat.
- Hydrophobia now deals damage twice as fast if your head is submerged in water.
- Almost complete rewrite of the backend of the addon to improve performance and allow for new things to be possible.
- Fixed many bugs, like the extra inventories being inaccessible and the Phantom's Phantom Form being toggled on and off really fast.
Full Changelog
How to Install and Play the Addon?
Once the addon has imported into the game, to add it to your world or a new world, edit an existing world or create a new one, make sure cheats are enabled, Holiday Creator Features and the Gametest Framework are required, and activate the behavior pack, the resource pack should be added automatically.

After this you should be able to join or create your world and play! If you encounter any issues, you can join the Discord server and ask for help in the support channel or report a bug in the bug-reporting channel!