MCPE/Bedrock Rick Roll Block Add-on

MCPE/Bedrock Rick Roll Block Add-on

Rick Roll Block Add-on Rick Roll You're friends with this Rick Roll Block 🤣You can get Rick Roll Block by typing commands /give @s block SG OmikronYTYou can prank You're friends many ways using this block


Rick Roll Block Pictures in game

Rick Roll block in game pictures

This what Rick Roll Block in game look like so you can use it as prank or jumpscare prank or other prank

You can rick roll friends by sending a package In front of you're friends house you can use chest or other any block that can put item in it


After You installed Rick Roll Block Add-on. Go in the file and copy the file resources pack in file resources and behaviour too. But in behaviour pack file in file 

How to find com.mojang file?

Go to /storage/emulated/0/games/com.mojang
