MCPE/Bedrock Aveo Dragon Addon

Too many dragons is not enough! We know that, you know that. Here's how we're helping: the Aveo Dragon. These long-necked, long-tailed, two-legged dragons of legend are here at last.
Learn all about these beasts right here:
Strays are the answer
But what's the question? The question, of course, is how do you get one of these? Each stray defeated by a player has about a one in fifty chance to drop an Aveo spawn egg.
Place that spawn egg down, and in a puff of smoke (without the smoke) you'll have an Aveo Dragon. You need to tame it though, and you can tame it with cod, beef or cakes (you didn't know dragons like cakes...??). If you approach an untamed one too closely, it will chase you and try to eat you. Good luck with taming it!
You can heal them with tropical fish, cod, salmon, beef or chicken.
There are six variants, just different colors, no behavioral differences. They also come in four sizes.

They take the same netherite armor as the other mno dragons. Craft them with a 2x2 pattern of netherite ingots. Place them on your dragon by holding the armor and right-clicking (or long-pressing if you're running mobile) on the dragon.
Just hold a regular horse saddle and right-click (or long-press if you're running mobile) on the dragon.
To remove either just hold a blaze rod(??) and right-click/long-press on the dragon.

Our Youtube channel here!
We read all of our youtube comments, if you have something to say about our addons, please let us know!
To the awesome youtubers out there, if you do a review/showcase, thank you! Please link back to *this page* . Cheers!
Many animation improvements, including the ability to glide & dive. Other minor changes.
Many animation improvements, including the ability to glide.