MCPE/Bedrock Bedrock Magnets 1.0

Have you ever wanted magnets added to minecraft to help you pickup items or reach items from a distance now you can! This addon will add different tier magnets that reach further and last longer.
Crafting Recipes
Here are all the crafting recipes!
Small Magnet
Duration:20 Sec
Cooldown:80 Sec

Medium Magnet
Duration:30 Sec
Cooldown:45 Sec

Large Magnet
Duration:40 Sec
Cooldown:55 Sec

How to use the magnets?
You can use the magnets by holding the one you want and interacting the same way you eat food. This will activate the magnet for the period of time it has and will start pulling items to you in the range of the magnet. The magnet will then have a cooldown where you cant use it again for a set time. Each time you use the magnet it will lose durability.
Thank You All So Much For Reading And Downloading My Add-On! If You Discover Any Bugs, Etc Feel Free To Contact Me Via Twitter
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- Click the download Add-On link
- Scroll down and select Free Access
- Follow the steps to unlock the download
- Click the file you downloaded and it will open Minecraft and Install!